TSA Can't Block Annoying Family Members

TSA blog adds fun to serious business of airport security.

Dec. 24, 2010— -- Christmas sweaters might "have a nauseating effect on passengers" but there is nothing preventing them at airport security checkpoints.

That is just one bit of fun -- and somewhat useful advice -- from Blogger Bob, a Transportation Security Administration blogger who tries to bring a bit of fun into the annoying business of airport security.

For instance, Blogger Bob advises fliers that it's okay to bring pies on airplanes, but they might be subject to additional screening if TSA officers see any anomalies.

"Additional screening of pies does not include our officers tasting the pie, no matter what they tell you," he warns.

(Blogger Bob seems to have a thing for pie. Back on July 4, he wrote of his holiday plans: "I'll be partaking in a burger, baked beans, corn on the cob, and last but not least, apple pie! Mmmm..")

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But back to Christmas and fruitcakes – which Bob says "nobody else seems to enjoy but me." They too are allowed on planes, along with bread, doughnuts and turkeys.

"If it's a live turkey, you might want to have a word with the airline," Blogger Bob warns.

And you will definitely want to check cranberry sauce, creamy dips, maple syrup, wine, liquor, beer and gift baskets with salsa, jams, or salad dressings.

Then there are those family members you don't want to see for Christmas but can't disinvite.

"We've had many requests, but we cannot add annoying family members to the No Fly List," Blogger Bob warns.

TSA Security Checkpoint Tips

Now that winter is here, travelers must keep in mind that snow is a liquid. So Blogger Bob offers this advice to Frosty the Snowman: "You are not frozen solid, and are larger than 3.4 ounces, so you may not board the plane."

The same advice goes for snow globes. They are sealed containers full of liquid that would have to be opened and destroyed to test. "We're not in the business of busting snow globes, so we suggest you place them in your checked baggage or mail them ahead of time."

Mistletoe however is allowed. But Blogger Bob warns: "Just don't expect the person sitting in the middle seat to kiss you."

There is also practical advice, including that wrapped gifts may need to be unwrapped, so wrap them once you arrive at your destination.

Blogger Bob doesn't try to add jest into just Christmas warnings. For Thanksgiving, he had a message for tofu turkeys --you are not real -- and Pilgrims: Leave your muskets at home and refrain from wearing clothing with large buckles.