The 10-Year Wait for a Comic Artist’s Sketch

A decade after the deal, the ABC News Fixer jump-starts the art.

THE ABC NEWS FIXER— -- Dear ABC News Fixer: Here’s an interesting little problem. At a comic convention in 2006, I paid a visiting artist $100 to sketch a comic book character for my collection. This is a common way for artists at conventions to make some extra money and connect with fans.

I got a receipt and was supposed to receive the sketch in a couple days. I never got the artwork. After exchanging emails for a couple of years without receiving my sketch, the artist stopped returning my emails.

Several months ago I found him on Facebook, at which point he acknowledged the request and promised to fulfill the deal as soon as his schedule permitted. Now we are approaching the 10th anniversary of the original transaction. Would you be able to persuade him to take an hour or so out of his busy schedule to get this done? I don't want the money back; I just want the drawing.

— Rocky Parsons, Rogers, Arkansas

Got a consumer problem? The ABC News Fixer may be able to help. Click here to submit your problem online. Letters are edited for length and clarity.

Dear Rocky: We agree that you’ve been more than patient, waiting 10 years to get this sketch. You told the ABC News Fixer you have dozens of drawings and were really looking forward to adding another to your collection.

Fixing this turned out to be easier than we expected. We got in touch with the artist via email to give him a nudge. He responded right away, apologizing for the oversight and telling us he had no excuse. He made up for it, though, by getting an awesome original drawing completed and in the mail to you in just four days.

He also refunded your $100 to try to make up for the delay. He seemed genuinely sorry about that.

So now you have your artwork — and a great story to go with it.

— the ABC News Fixer

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