12-Year-Old Singer Uses Voice for Good

— -- A 12-year-old New Jersey girl with a signing talent is using her voice to help her hometown’s Special Olympics team.

Grace Nevin, a sixth-grader from West Milford, began singing, she says, as soon as she could talk.

Her latest song, “I Found an Angel,” is one she wrote for her best friend, Ben Weiss, whom she has known since kindergarten and who is a member of West Milford’s Special Olympics team.

“Ben is the funniest person I know and he just always has a smile on his face,” Grace told ABC News. “He can really brighten anyone’s day.”

When Grace decided to host a concert to raise money for Ben and his Special Olympic teammates, it was so that they can buy new uniforms. Now, she says, the concert has an even bigger meaning.

“It’s just that he’s so special to me and I think that by doing this I’ll be able to show him that no matter what happens, he will always be really close to my heart,” Grace said today on “Good Morning America.”

This Saturday, in West Milford, she will perform a concert including her son, “I Found an Angel,” with her sister’s dance team as her background dancers.

The concert, she says, is a labor of love that has become an all-consuming event for her.

“Well when I first got the idea to do this, I did not realize it would be this much work, really,” Grace said. “Every weekend we’re doing something, like either meeting with someone for the concert. I’m on the phone constantly with people.”

For more information on Grace and the concert visit, https://www.facebook.com/GraceHappensOfficial.