Fast Facts: Women in the Military

June 24, 2005 — -- During a Senate Armed Services Committee on Thursday, Army Gen. George Casey -- U.S. commander in Iraq -- said he did not "see any need to change any of the policies and procedures" affecting female servicemembers. "Like all of our soldiers, they perform magnificently everyday," he said.

The following figures offer more detail on women's service in the U.S. military. All of the numbers are approximations:

11,000 women are serving in the U.S. Marine Corps.

183,000 troops of both genders comprise the USMC's end strength.

15 percent of all U.S. servicemembers are female.

119,000 women have served in and around Iraq and Afghanistan since 9/11.

At least 1.1 million troops (of both genders) have been deployed in and around Iraq and Afghanistan since 9/11.

39 female servicemembers have been killed in Iraq, as of June 24.

6 female servicemembers have been killed in Afghanistan, as of June 4.

279 female servicemembers have been wounded in Iraq, as of June 4.

3 female servicemembers have been wounded in Afghanistan, as of June 4.

ABC News' Brian Hartman compiled the information for this report.