Paul Ryan Hangs Onto Congress Seat in Wisconsin

Paul Ryan will keep his spot in Congress despite projected Veep loss.

Nov. 6, 2012— -- Paul Ryan knows he will be headed to Washington, D.C., again next year even though his presidential ticket failed to win election.

Ryan will begin serving his eighth term as a U.S. Congressman representing the 1st District of Wisconsin in 2013.

ABC News is projecting that Ryan beat out his Democratic challenger tonight in Wisconsin to hang on to the House seat he has held there for 14 years. Ryan ran for vice president alongside presidential candidate Mitt Romney, but the pair is projected to lose to President Obama and VicePresident Joe Biden.

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Ryan's challenger in Wisconsin, Rob Zerban had said he hoped Ryan would drop out of the Congressional race once he joined Romney's presidential ticket, but Ryan continued to fight to hold his seat.

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Ryan rose to prominence in Congress during his seven previous terms there, serving most recently as chairman of the House Budget Committee. He drew praise for his budget proposal, which became a controversial part of the Romney campaign when Ryan was announced as his running mate in August.