Aaron Hernandez Trial: Judge Allows Video of Him Dismantling Phone Into Evidence

The ex-NFL star did so a day after Odin Llyod's murder.

Hernandez, 25, was caught on police surveillance camera taking apart his phone into three pieces, prosecutors said.

The video was taken in the police parking lot in North Attleborough, Massachusetts, on June 18, 2013, a day after Lloyd was killed.

Prosecutors said Hernandez can also be seen in the car using a new phone that had been handed to him by his lawyer.

The defense had fought to keep the surveillance video from being brought into evidence, but Superior Court Judge Susan Garsh ruled that Hernandez had no expectation of privacy while inside a parked car in a public lot.

Prosecutors claim Hernandez used the phone to call co-defendant Ernest Wallace.

Garsh said jurors will not be told where the phone came from, but prosecutors are allowed to say it didn't belong to the former New England Patriots star.

It's unclear when the surveillance video will be shown to the jury.

Hernandez is accused of shooting Lloyd, 27, who had been dating his fiancee's sister at the time.

The case has been delayed because of the heavy snow that has hit Boston over the past few weeks. Following an afternoon of testimony that included forensic evidence of the crime scene, the trial is slated to resume on Tuesday since court is closed Monday.

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