Aaron Hernandez Trial: Maid Testifies That Fiancee Left Home With Large Bag Day After Murder

Prosecutors say it shows her removing evidence from the home.

Carla Barbosa, who spoke in Portuguese through a translator, said Shayanna Jenkins left that day -- a claim that supports the prosecution theory that Hernandez's then-fiancee had left the home to dispose of something.

A gun was never recovered in Lloyd's 2013 murder.

Prosecutors also played home surveillance video showing Jenkins moving the trash bag near the swimming pool.

Barbosa described how Jenkins moved the bag from the swimming pool area to the trunk of the car. Jenkins also spent "some time away" that day, Barbosa recalled.

Under cross examination, Barbosa admitted she never saw what was inside the bag.

Hernandez, 25, is on trial in the killing of Lloyd, who was dating the sister of Hernandez's then-fiancee at the time of his death. There have been questions where the slaying occurred, although the victim's body was later found at an industrial plant.

Prosecutors also showed graphic photos of Lloyd's bloody body to the jury this afternoon as they detailed the autopsy that was conducted once his body was found. The photos triggered tears from Lloyd's mother, Ursula Lloyd, who was sitting inside the courtroom.

At one point, she mouthed the words "my baby, my baby" as photos of his body in the morgue were shown to the jury.

One controversial portion of testimony that was discussed in court Monday, but not officially entered into evidence, was a series of texts Lloyd apparently sent to his sister around the time of his death. The judge had ruled last Friday that the texts should not be included because they would prompt the jury to speculate about their content.

The judge has since reversed that decision, however, and Monday said she would allow the number of texts, the times the texts were sent and the location from where they were sent to be allowed in court. That information has not yet been presented.

But Barbosa said she never saw a gun inside Hernandez's home. A .45 caliber gun was used to kill Lloyd.

Hernandez has been charged with murder and weapons-related charges. He has pleaded not guilty.

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