Acrobat Falls 25 Feet During Circus Performance

Footage of the accident was captured by a spectator.

— -- A circus performer is recovering after plunging nearly 25 feet during a performance.

Vicky Garcia fell Thursday while performing in Houston. Footage of the accident, captured by a spectator, shows Garcia spinning over the audience -- hanging from her hair from a replica rocket ship -- before plunging into the arena’s seating area.

After Garcia fell, staffers rushed to help her.

Garcia is one half of “Duo Garcia,” along with husband Pablo, for the Circo Hermanos Vazquez, a traveling circus known for its daredevil acrobatics.

Leena Vignaud, the general manager of the circus, said these sorts of incidents happen from time to time.

“We do have acts that require a lot of skills and, of course, we do have equipment behind it," Vignaud said. "Let’s call it a human error. Sometimes things happen.”

Garcia only suffered bruises and has been cleared to return to work, according to ABC station KTRK-TV.