‘Affluenza’ Teen’s Case Moved to Adult Court System After Hearing

Ethan Couch, 18, is being held in an adult facility.

— -- The teen who was put on probation after killing four people in a drunken- driving accident will now continue his probation through the adult court system, following a hearing in Texas this morning.

Couch had a hearing in juvenile court today and a judge transferred his case to the Tarrant County District Court, which handles adult cases, to complete his 10-year probation.

The 18-year-old will remain in an adult jail in Fort Worth until his 19th birthday on April 11. He will then have another hearing when a district judge will set conditions for the remainder of his adult probation.

If he violates probation as an adult, the possible penalty is higher than any probation violations as a juvenile.

The teen was initially put on probation in 2013 after killing four people while driving drunk at the age of 16.

During Ethan's sentencing in the drunken-driving trial, a psychologist hired by the defense testified that the teen was a product of "affluenza" -- a term he used to describe Ethan's irresponsible lifestyle associated with his affluent upbringing.

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