Why The Airplane Boarding Pass Could Soon Be A Thing of The Past

One transportation official thinks so.

— -- Is the boarding pass going overboard?

They could soon become a thing of the past, according to one top transportation official.

He predicts that the days of the boarding pass may be numbered, while outlining his 5 to 10-year vision for the “checkpoint of the future.”

Neffenger notes that eliminating the boarding pass would remove the challenges for the document checkers at the checkpoints since there is little consistency with the passes, as each airline has a different style of boarding pass.

He emphasized that the checkpoint is a critically important element in security, as it is a visible deterrent and the last chance to catch any threat.

“[The checkpoint] is the barrier between the sterile and the non-sterile areas and there has to be an expectation of that area working,” Neffenger said.

Since the report, Administrator Neffenger said he is greatly disturbed by the failure and vowed to close these security gaps.