Bigfoot Hunter-Hoaxer Takes Corpse-Bear Rug On Tour

Rick Dyer claims he killed the mythical creature in 2012.

Feb. 19, 2014— -- A professional Bigfoot hunter who claims he tracked and killed the mythical creature in 2012 is currently on a national tour with what he purports to be the corpse.

Rick Dyer, who previously admitted to a Bigfoot hoax in 2008, is charging a small fee for anyone wanting a glimpse of his taxidermied catch, which reportedly looks part human, part monkey.

This time, Dyer claims he’s captured the real thing, telling ABC affiliate KSAT "Bigfoot is not a tooth fairy -- Bigfoot is real."

Dyer claims DNA testing has been conducted on the 800 pound creature, concluding it is an “unknown” species.

More information on the Bigfoot tour here.