Baggy Pants Passenger Says He Was Treated Unfairly When Kicked Off Plane

A San Francisco man was arrested after the airline said his pants were too low.

June 17, 2011— -- Pocket knives and liquids aren't the only things that can't fly on airplanes anymore. Baggy pants sagging too low are also reason to be grounded.

But the mother of Deshon Marman, a young man arrested on U.S. Airways Flight 488 after his pants sagged too low to the ground, says that her son was treated unfairly. Donna Doyle said her son is being charged with indecent exposure, assault against a police officer and trespassing.

"He kept asking, 'Why? I didn't do anything.'... Deshon is not a troubled kid, he just wants to come home, get back into schooling and football and leave all this behind him," said Doyle.

Marman, 20, was arrested Wednesday after he refused to pull up his pajama bottoms upon boarding a flight from San Francisco to Phoenix to Alburquerque, N.M. Marman plays on the University of New Mexico's football team.

Sgt. Michael Rodriquez of the San Francisco Police Department described Marman's appearance.

"His underwear was covering his private areas, but his pants were below his shorts, so it was in full view of the traveling public," he said.

U.S. Airways said that it was Marman's behavior that got him booted from the flight and arrested.

"On Wednesday a passenger was removed and taken into custody after repeatedly ignoring crew members instructions," said U.S. Airways spokesperson Andrew Christie. He said that although the airline does not have a specific dress code, "we do ask our customers to dress in an appropriate manner to assure the safety and comfort of all passengers."

Student Kicked Off Airline Says Pajama Pants Weren't Too Low

Marman told ABC News he felt mistreated by the airline.

"I felt harassed, like they were attacking me, but I don't know why. I paid my ticket like everybody else," Marman said..

He claimed he was walking onto the plane when airline personnel approached him. "The pajama bottoms wre loose and they didn't fit well," but that "only the top of my underwear was showing."

"I tried to pull it up, but I couldn't because I was carrying two big bags and I was in a line of people all moving fast toward the plane," he said.

Marman said he pulled up his pants when he got to his seat, but was arrested shortly after the pilot came out to talk to him. The pilot asked him to deplane, after which Marman said officers appeared and arrested him as he left.

Doyle said that, as a mother, she doesn't support the type clothing her son was wearing, but that's not a reason to kick a passenger off a plane and arrest him.

"The clothing is a fad, but you cannot judge a book by its cover. That woman made a judgment call and from there, it became a power struggle. She figured, 'I'll show you,'" said Doyle.

"He's remorseful," said his mother. "If he could do it again, he would stop traffic and pull up his pants."