California Fisherman Hooks Great White Shark

A bystander on the San Clemente Pier captured video of the capture.

— -- A fisherman got a catch bigger than he bargained for while fishing off the coast of California on Monday.

A woman, Penny Novak, was walking on the pier when she saw the shark in the water and was shocked.

"We have lived in Southern California all of our lives and we've never seen anything like this," Novak told ABC News. "The shark was thrashing around trying to get himself unhooked."

"There was a moment where we didn't think the shark was going to make it," she said. "He slipped underneath the water for a while but then he came back up and was able to eat the fish that was also on the hook and then release himself."

Novak posted a video on YouTube of the fisherman struggling to get the hook out of the shark’s mouth.

"It took probably a good 15 to 20 minutes before the shark got himself off the hook," Novak said. "The fisherman didn't seem to be stressed out. He was very in control of the situation and was doing his best to get him off the hook."