Dallas Police Chief Quotes Stevie Wonder in Tribute to Families of Slain Officers

He spoke at a service days after the shooting that killed five officers.

"When I was a teenager and started liking girls, I could never find the right words to express myself," Brown began his remarks at today's memorial service in Dallas. "And after a couple of words, they would just walk away leaving me figuring out, 'What do I need to do to get a date?' So being a music fan of 1970's rhythm and blues love songs, I put together a strategy to recite the lyrics to get a date."

"So today, I'm going to pull out some Stevie Wonder for these families," he said.

"Families, close your eyes and just imagine me back in 1974 with an Afro and some bell bottoms and wide collar," Brown said, before launching into Stevie Wonder lyrics from the song "As":

... I'll be loving you always. And there's no greater love than this. That these five men gave their lives for all of us."

Brown concluded his remarks by introducing President Barack Obama, and when Obama took the podium, he told Brown: "I'm so glad I met Michelle first, because she loves Stevie Wonder."