'Please help my daughter': Maura Murray, 21, has been missing since 2004. New search finds no evidence but her dad's not satisfied

Maura Murray was a 21-year-old student when she went missing.

Fifteen years after she vanished, a new search in the Maura Murray case turned up empty.

But her dad is pleading for help.

Murray was a 21-year-old student at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst when she went missing on Feb, 9, 2004.

That evening Murray's car was reportedly involved in an accident in Haverhill, New Hampshire. A bystander spoke to a woman at the crash scene but when police arrived, she was no longer there, officials said. That's the last credible sighting of Murray.

One home "has become the target of increased speculation" in the case, said New Hampshire Associate Attorney General Jeffery Strelzin. But no evidence was found in a new search and police do not believe her body is there, Strelzin said at a news conference on Wednesday.

In a prior search, radar detected an area of disturbed ground at the home, Strelzin said.

State police and FBI officials conducted another search of the home on Wednesday in cooperation with the homeowners; the investigators searched the basement by cutting and removing the concrete where ground penetrating radar had detected a disturbance, he said.

After removing the concrete, the investigators searched several feet down but "absolutely nothing" was found aside from a piece of old pottery or piping, Strelzin said.

"We certainly did not believe there was any credible evidence" at the house," Strelzin said; Wednesday's search was done "just to cross something off the list," he said.

Murray's father, Fred Murray, told reporters he's not satisfied with the search and believes police should dig a wider area in the basement.

"I thought we had a really good shot at being right. And I just don't know whether the police are right," he said. "If they had looked further into the corner they might have come up with something."

Fred Murray is still desperate for answers.

"I need help... I can't do it alone," Fred Murray said. "Please help my daughter."

Strelzin said investigators remain committed to following every lead.