Democrats Sends Letter to Bankers Slamming Trump Picking Steve Bannon for Top Job

The letter said the bankers have a "moral obligation" to speak out.

“As leaders in the business community, you have a moral obligation to speak out against this appointment as contrary to the values of this country and to the values of your industry. We urge you to condemn this appointment immediately and without reservation,” the letter reads.

“This moment is a test of the moral leadership of the banking and finance industry…. If you fail to speak up now it will only empower the Trump Administration to go further down this dangerous path,” the letter continues.

Earlier in the day, another group of 169 Democrat Members of Congress signed and sent an additional letter to Trump himself, calling on him to rescind Bannon’s appointment.

That letter was organized by Rep. David Cicilline (D-Rhode Island), who told ABC News during an interview Wednesday that he was disappointed his Republican colleague had not spoken out. So far Republicans have steered cleared of addressing the issue.

“This is a person who does not belong inside the White House. He will further divide this country,” Cicilline said. He cited the uptick in racially charged acts of violence and intimidation around the country and said there were “real consequences” to Trump legitimizing some of the rhetoric that appears on Breitbart.

Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway also came to Bannon's defense.