Dogs Who Flunked TSA Training Searching for Forever Families

Because bomb-sniffing isn’t for everyone!

— -- Looking for a new furry best friend? The Transportation Security Administration has your back.

The agency is adopting out bomb-sniffing dogs who’ve either retired or flunked out of the explosive detection program. (Hey, bomb-sniffing isn’t for everyone!)

The pups -- typically German short-haired pointers, German shepherds, Labs and Belgian malinois --- range from about 2 to 10 years old.

Because they were selected for their elevated “drive,” the TSA hounds tend to be very active, according to the agency.

“Some are well-trained, others are not,” the TSA acknowledged.

Though families will need to travel to San Antonio, Texas, on their own dime, there’s no charge for adopting a TSA dog.

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