'What Would You Do?' episode recap: Police called on black woman using coupon

A recap of this week's episode of "What Would You Do?" with ABC's John Quiñones.

Here is a recap of this week's episode of "What Would You Do?" with ABC's John Quiñones.

What Would You Do: Pharmacy calls police on black woman for using coupon

A black woman attempts to use a coupon, but the cashier won’t accept it because she thinks it’s fraudulent. Like Coupon Carl, she won’t try to scan the coupon, and instead gets her manager. The manager tells the customer that he cannot help her, and suggests she leave the store before he calls the authorities. What will people do if they overhear this? Watch what happens:

What Would You Do: Mother treats foster child worse than her real child

America’s foster care system can be a lifeline for more than 400,000 kids who need a place to call home. But sometimes the people who volunteer to take these kids in do it for the wrong reasons. What will happen when diners at a restaurant witness a foster mom treating her foster son differently from her biological daughter? Clearly the mom is in it just for the money. Watch what happens:

What Would You Do: Man’s parents disagree with son’s overweight girlfriend

What would you do if you saw a slender young man introducing his plus size girlfriend to his parents for the first time. He’s head over heels in love with her and thinks she’s beautiful. All his parents see is an overweight woman of whom they don’t approve. Watch what happens:

What Would You Do: College students pressure friend to take Adderall

What happens when two male college students go to a bar and start popping Adderall and drinking alcohol so they can stay up and party all night? They try to convince their other friend (a girl) to take it with them. Will anyone try to stop our students from this dangerous behavior? Watch what happens:

What Would You Do: Woman spills coffee on customer’s laptop

We’ve got two actors, in a café. One asks the other to watch her laptop as she steps outside to use her phone. While away, the other spills a drink on the laptop, panics, and begs bystanders not to spill the beans. Will they? And what happens when she tries to blame another customer for the spill? Watch what happens: