Eric Frein Searchers Testing Blood Found on Canadensis Family's Farm

Eric Frein search entering seventh week.

Joyce Aleckna called police after finding the blood Saturday near the chicken coop on her small farm in Canadensis, Pa. None of the animals in the coop were injured, she said.

Aleckna, a retired corrections officer, told ABC News she thought the discovery odd because it was the first time no one had been home since Frein disappeared. She told ABC News affiliate WNEP-TV that authorities took a sample of the blood for testing.

Police have been searching for Frein for six weeks, since he allegedly opened fire at the Blooming Grove police barracks on Sept. 12, killing one state trooper and injuring another, before escaping into the woods.

Frein, a self-trained survivalist, has been spotted several times, but has evaded police capture.

"At night, we lock everything," Aleckna told ABC News a few weeks ago. "Everything is locked tight."

Aleckna said her children have gun safety training and are armed when they go outside to care for the family's animals.

"I don't think he [Frein] stands a chance if he comes in my back yard," she told ABC News.

Blood droplets previously found on the porch of a home near Cresco were tested but did not come from Frein, according to police.

ABC News' Rheana Murray contributed to this story.

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