FAA Investigating 2 Emergency Landings at Philadelphia International Airport

Both incidents occurred just after 8 a.m., according to an FAA spokesperson.

Both incidents occurred just after 8 a.m. ET, according to an FAA spokesperson.

American Eagle 4518, operated by Republic Airlines, reported steering problems en route from Toronto to Philadelphia. It was towed to the gate after making an emergency landing and no injuries were reported, according to American Airlines spokesperson Ross Feinstein.

American Eagle flight 4801, operated by Piedmont Airlines, was traveling from Richmond International Airport to Philadelphia when the captain reported smoke in the cockpit and cabin. All passengers and crew were evacuated shortly after landing and one passenger was evaluated by medical personnel and released at the airport, Feinstein said.

An FAA spokesperson said passengers evacuated the aircraft on the runway via emergency slides.

The airport has returned to full operations, with residual delays.

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