Flooding, Storms to Threaten Central US over Memorial Day Weekend

Flooding, Storms to Threaten Central US over Memorial Day Weekend

Warm sunshine is expected on both coasts, which is great news for the beaches, but that isn't the case for the plain states, the Midwest and central parts of the country.

Out West, more sunshine and warm temperatures, especially for Southern California and the Southwest. The Pacific Northwest and Northern Rockies could see some wet weather throughout the weekend. Scattered showers with mostly cloudy skies are expected with cooler temperatures in the 60s.

In Oklahoma City, they've already received nearly 14 inches this month, and with more rain on the way, May 2015 will likely go down as the wettest month on record there. From Texas to Oklahoma, flash flood watches are posted through the holiday weekend for an additional three to six inches of rain. On top of already saturated ground, this could become a life-threatening flood situation, and anyone with outdoor plans should pay attention to severe and flash flood warnings in their area.