Garland Shooting: Hero Cop Credited With Taking Down 2 Gunmen

The officer who stopped two armed men "did what he was trained to do."

— -- The officer who returned fire at two men who shot assault rifles outside an event displaying cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad "probably saved lives," according to authorities.

The men exited and -- both armed with assault rifles -- started firing at a parked police car, Harn said.

An officer -- who typically works as a traffic cop -- returned fire and struck both men, Harn said.

Both suspects died on the street.

"[The officer] did what he was trained to do," Harn said.

The hero officer was not identified by name.

One security guard was injured in the attack with a gunshot wound to the lower leg. He was treated at a hospital and released, Harn said.

"He did a very good job," Harn said, adding that the officer "probably saved lives."

According to Harn, the suspects could not get past the outside perimeter, which was part of the police's security strategy.

"We think [the suspects'] strategy was to get to the event center [and] into the event center," he said. "We were able to stop those men before they were able to... shoot anyone else."

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