George Zimmerman's Gun Re-Listed for Auction After Original Listing Bombarded with Fake Bids

The opening bid for the gun that killed Trayvon Martin is $100,000.

Zimmerman confirmed with ABC News that the new listing with the United Gun Group is legitimate. The starting bid is $100,000 with a $500,000 "buy it now" price.

The listing is titled "George Zimmerman's Gun used 2/26/12." The date is the day Martin died after he was fatally shot by Zimmerman in Sanford, Florida, while Zimmerman was volunteering for a neighborhood watch program.

Zimmerman claims many have expressed interest in owning and displaying the gun, including the Smithsonian Museum in Washington, D.C. The museum quickly denied his claim, tweeting on Thursday it "never expressed interest" in collecting the firearm.

He said that while offers have been presented to him to purchase the gun, he wasn't "comfortable" with the "fashion" the gun would be used in.

Clinton later tweeted a message of support to Martin's mother.

United Gun Group began hosting the auction Thursday after another gun website,, took down the listing within an hour after it was posted, saying it wanted "no part" of it or the "publicity it is receiving," the AP reported.

"The firearm for sale is the firearm that was used to defend my life and end the brutal attack from Trayvon Martin," Zimmerman wrote on before the post was removed.

Zimmerman's name has remained in headlines since his acquittal. He was charged with assault based on complaints from two girlfriends, who both later refused to press charges. Zimmerman's ex-wife accused him of smashing her iPad during an argument days after she filed divorce papers, but no charges were filed based on lack of evidence.

Zimmerman's acquittal in the killing of Trayvon Martin sparked country-wide protests and sparked a national debate over the deaths of black men and boys by law enforcement.