George Zimmerman's Wife Says He Is 'Selfish,' Feels 'Invincible'

Shellie Zimmerman tells ABC News why she is divorcing George Zimmemran.

Sept. 6, 2013— -- George Zimmerman's wife says she doesn't know the man she's been married to for almost seven years and doesn't think she "ever really knew him at all."

In an exclusive interview with ABC News shortly after her attorney filed for divorce from the Florida man acquitted in the death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, Shellie Zimmerman said she is left with a shattered life.

"I stood by my husband through everything and I kind of feel like he left me with a bunch of broken glass that I'm supposed to now assemble and make a life…It's just heartbreaking," she said.

Shellie Zimmerman, 26, stood by her husband throughout the ordeal that began on Feb. 26, 2012 when her husband shot and killed the unarmed teenager and came to an end when a Florida jury acquitted him of murder in July.

But less than two months later, she filed for divorce.

"I have a selfish husband. And I think George is all about George," she said.

She claims that at times he was verbally abusive and hurt her "emotionally, but never physical."

"I think I'm realizing that I have been married to a person for almost seven years, and I don't think that I ever really knew him at all," Shellie Zimmerman said.

Shellie Zimmerman said her husband is not only driving too fast, referencing the two incidents in which her husband has been pulled over for speeding recently, but also living too fast since his acquittal.

She says he spent maybe three or four nights at their home with her before she moved out in mid-August. She says she believes the not guilty verdict has left her husband feeling "invincible" and since then has been "making some reckless decisions."

See Shellie Zimmerman's Divorce Filings

She is asking for "equitable distribution" of their assets including anything her husband might gain from a defamation suit he has filed against NBC as well as equal share of their debts. She is also seeking sole custody of their two dogs. According to the financial disclosure form, she said she is unemployed and listed her monthly expenses as $755. Since they separated George Zimmerman has given her $4,300 for living expenses and the source of funds appears to be his legal defense fund.

Read Shellie Zimmerman's Financials Affidavit

George Zimmerman's legal team told ABC News there would be no comment on the divorce filing. George Zimmerman's brother Robert tweeted "Pray for them."

Last week Shellie Zimmerman pled guilty to perjury for lying about the couples' finances when the judge was initially setting bail for her husband. After a judge handed her 100 hours of community service and a year's probation, Zimmerman told ABC News last week that she did not know if she would stay married.

Now, she says she is making the decision to cut ties in an effort to leave the drama that has taken over her life since that fateful night in February 2012 behind.