Georgia Boy Writes Apology Note to Police After 911 Prank Call

"I knew it was wrong," the boy wrote.

Addressed to "Emergency Dispacher," the remorseful letter begins: "I am writing a apology letter for what I did last night."

The note explains: "My friends we're talking and I got dared to call you."

"I knew it was wrong," the unidentified boy wrote, adding, "I know there will be consequence for my actions."

The letter concludes: "I am sorry for what I did and hope that you can forgive me."

The boy's parents took him to the 911 Center to read the letter aloud, according to Savannah-Chatham Metropolitan Police, and the appreciative staff then gave the boy a tour to explain how 911 calls work.

"It's rare that something like that happens," Savannah police Public Information Officer Julian Miller told ABC News today. "I think it was a great thing."

"It shows the mother and father getting involved ... shows there are consequences for what you do, you have to take responsibility for what you do," Miller said.

"[The staff] took him on a tour, kind of rewarded him for standing up for what he had done," Miller said. "I thought it was fantastic that the staff... they deal with emergencies all day long. They stopped to make this a positive thing for the child rather than a negative thing.”