Twin Brothers Allegedly Set Off IEDs in Bombing Spree, Destroying Small Buildings: DA

The college students are accused of setting off bombs in Pennsylvania.

The district attorney's office in Chester County announced Tuesday the arrests of Daniel and Caleb Tate, 22, of Cochranville Township. The two were charged with arson by explosion, arson by possession of explosive devices, conspiracy, theft and other offenses.

The Tates were home from school during winter break in December when the incidents occurred, according to a criminal affidavit. It's unclear whether they have entered a plea.

Daniel Tate is a recent graduate of Pepperdine University in California, and Caleb Tate is a student at Belmont University in Tennessee, according to the D.A.

The brothers allegedly made bombs from materials such as metal pipes, propane canisters and fuel containers.

From Dec. 20 to Dec. 31 of last year, the twins detonated the devices, which damaged a mailbox, a phone shed, a produce shed and a well-pump shed in five locations in Chester and Lancaster counties, the D.A. said.

"We live in a world where the thought of bombs exploding around us is a very real fear," Chester County District Attorney Tom Hogan said in a statement. "These defendants brought that fear to our region during a two-week crime spree where they detonated multiple IEDs."

No one was hurt by the explosions, which took place in the early morning.

Editor's Note: An earlier version of this story incorrectly stated that Daniel Tate was a current student at Pepperdine University. The story has been updated.