See Inside San Bernardino Conference Room Before Shooting

Julie Paez, a well inspector, was awarded Employee of the Year on Wednesday.

Wednesday was supposed to be a celebration for Paez, a well inspector, who was named Employee of the Year during the training event. The photo shows her receiving the award from a program manager.

Paez first texted a photo to her family saying she received the award, her son, Nicholas, told ABC News.

The next photo she sent was a selfie of her after the shooting, accompanied by four words: “Love you. Was shot.”

“I knew she wasn’t shot in the head, and she wasn’t shot somewhere where it would make her pass out right away," Nicholas said. "So I knew that maybe she’d be okay, but I had no idea.”

Paez suffered two gunshot wounds to the abdomen and is expected to be discharged from the hospital next week, Nicholas said. The family has started a GoFundMe page to help pay for some of her medical bills.

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