Inside Trump and Schumer's war of words over diversity visa lottery program

Schumer proposed basis for original program language as well as reforms

Schumer proposed the underlying language for the program which eventually became law. He also advocated for reforms similar to the ones Trump advocates, going as far to propose its elimination during comprehensive immigration reform talks four years ago.

Responding to Trump Wednesday, Schumer said the president should “stop tweeting and start leading.”

Applicants must submit a variety of documents for a background check, including court and police records and military records, submit to an interview at their nearest embassy and undergo a medical examination.

Alleged attacker Sayfullo Saipov obtained a green card, reportedly through this lottery, in 2010. That year, 3,356 people from Uzbekistan received diversity lottery visas.

It also noted that it found “no documented evidence” that any lottery recipients “posed a terrorist or other threat.”

Schumer may have authored the underlying language that led to the diversity visa, but in recent years he had come to doubt the program’s effectiveness and in fact sought to get rid of it.

Therefore, he said he wanted to change the program from a lottery system to an economic visa, employing virtually identical language to that Trump tweeted Wednesday morning.

“We’re abolishing,” the lottery system, Schumer said, speaking of the immigration bill’s text. “We’re doing it in a more job oriented way, everyone has to have an employer who wants to hire them, a more merit-based way.”

The Gang of 8’s proposal, which would have established a long pathway to citizenship, passed the Senate with bipartisan support but the House never considered it.

Asked Wednesday whether he believes the lottery system should be abolished specifically in light of this incident, Schumer said it was too soon to tell, noting that the existing lottery system still has a vigorous background check process.

“Before we can comment we have to see what happened with this individual person,” he said.