Kentucky Boy Baptizes Himself After Pastor Takes Too Long

"The whole congregation busted out laughing," Jordan's father said.

— -- It was a sign...things were taking too long.

An impatient Jordan Warrick left the congregation of West End Baptist Church in Louisville rolling in laughter after he took the bull by the horns and dipped himself in the water, which he thought was "too cold," his dad said.

"Do it," Jordan shouted with excitement. After pinching his nose and dipping his head into the water with a splash, he emerged to declare, "I'm baptized!"

His father, Terrence Warrick, 40, said "the whole congregation busted out laughing."

And the move caught his mother, Inda Swift, 28, by surprise.

"I was excited. I was shocked. I wasn't expecting it," she said.

There was a time, however, when laughter was a stranger to the family. Jordan was born three months premature and has had to undergo several surgeries. His twin brother didn't make it.

"He always said he wanted to go to heaven to see his brother," Jordan's father said.

Swift said Jordan had been talking since the beginning of the year about wanting to get baptized.

"He's very outgoing and outspoken," the boy's mom said.