Law Enforcement 'Improperly Delayed' During San Bernardino Investigation

Marquez, a friend of gunman Syed Rizwan Farook, was being sought in connection to the shooting and was later arrested on terrorism-related charges. He has pleaded not guilty.

When HSI agents arrived at the office, Federal Protective Service (FPS) agents told the them they had to wait in the lobby until the USCIS Field Office Director approved their entry.

After 15-20 minutes, the Field Office Director was eventually reached and the agents were escorted inside.

About 10 minutes later, the Field Office Director told the agents they were “not allowed to arrest, detain, or interview anyone in the building based on USCIS policy, and that she would need to obtain guidance from her superior before allowing them access,” said the IG report. The director denied saying that, but the IG found her account of the encounter to be inconsistent.

After several phone calls to superiors and some more back-and-forth, the USCIS staff determined that Marquez’ wife never checked in for her appointment.

Despite the miscommunication and delay, the investigation itself was not impacted, the report said.

The IG concluded that the USCIS Field Office Director “improperly delayed” HSI agents from conducting a lawful and routine law enforcement action.

In a statement, Homeland Security said coordination has been improved.