Events mark anniversary of George Floyd's death

George Floyd died in front of a Minneapolis Cup Foods on May 25, 2020.

Activists are continuing their quest for police reform and social and racial justice on the one-year anniversary of George Floyd's death.

Floyd was killed on May 25, 2020, by former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin after he was accused of using a counterfeit $20 bill at a Cup Foods.

His death sparked nationwide protests that persisted in major cities for much of the summer, despite a raging pandemic.

Floyd's family is set to meet with President Joe Biden Tuesday and other prominent lawmakers to push for the passage of the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, which aims to address "a wide range of policies and issues regarding policing practices and law enforcement accountability."


Peaceful rallies held across the nation

Thousands of people rallied in locations around the country to mark the one-year anniversary of George Floyd's death.

In Brooklyn, crowds gathered outside Barclays Center before the Nets' playoff game and marched along Atlantic Avenue calling for an end to police violence.

In Boston, two major marches took place in the afternoon and evening.

"Not enough progress. Not enough progress, which is why [we're marching]," Karen Groce-Horan, executive director and co-founder of Courageous Conversations Milton, told Boston ABC affiliate WCVB.

At Leimert Park in Los Angeles, some kneeled for just over nine minutes to mark the amount of time former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin had his knee on Floyd's neck.

Most of the rallies went off without incident, according to reports.

Crump vows to return to DC every week with Floyd family

During an impromptu press conference at Black Lives Matter Plaza, the family of George Floyd, standing alongside lawmakers, answered questions following their trips to Capitol Hill and the White House.

Family attorney Benjamin Crump told ABC News the Floyd family and others plan to be back in D.C. regularly.

"The family has committed, as well as other families have said, they will come to Washington, every week, if need be to get proper legislation that will prevent other families from having to go through what they're going through," he said.

When asked by ABC News about a new timetable for legislation for the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, Crump declined to give an exact date.

"We don't want to pigeonhole them," he said. "What we want is a good bill, and they're working as hard as they have told us they're working. We're going to get there sooner rather than later."

-ABC News' Beatrice Peterson

Floyd family meets with GOP senators over police reform bill

George Floyd’s family met with GOP Sens. Tim Scott and Lindsey Graham on Tuesday evening for about an hour to discuss the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act.

Family attorney Benjamin Crump told reporters the senators felt that they are "the closest they've ever been," on making a deal.

"Everybody's engaged and saying, ‘We can do better to solve this American issue.’ And the only way we can solve it is working together. It hasn't worked for us 50 years trying to work apart," Crump said.

Crump added that Scott told the family, "He can see the light at the end of the tunnel and asked us to stay encouraged."

Scott didn't give more details about the meeting but told reporters he was encouraged by the family's thoughts.

"I think we’re we’re making the kind of progress that we need to make. I’m happy that the family stopped by," he said.

-ABC News' Trish Turner

Darnella Frazier, witness who filmed George Floyd's arrest, reflects on anniversary

Darnella Frazier, the bystander who filmed the most famous video of George Floyd's arrest and death at the hands of former police officer Derek Chauvin, issued a statement reflecting on the one-year anniversary.

Frazier, who was 17 at the time of the incident, said Floyd's death has profoundly changed her life and how she views the world.

"It made me realize how dangerous it is to be Black in America. We shouldn't have to walk on eggshells around police officers, the same people that are supposed to protect and serve," she said in her statement.

Frazier was walking with her 9-year-old cousin when they witnessed the police arrest Floyd. She said she and her cousin still deal with trauma from watching Floyd die.

Frazier said she still has panic attacks anytime she sees a police car.

"A lot of people call me a hero even though I don't see myself as one. I was just in the right place at the right time," she said. "I'm a girl trying to heal from something I am reminded of every day."

Frazier expressed her condolences to Floyd's family.

"I can't express enough how I wish things could have went different, but I want you to know you will always be in my heart. I'll always remember this day because of you," she said.

Court to hear arguments on need for a public inquiry in Eric Garner's 2014 death

On the anniversary of Floyd’s murder in Minneapolis, a New York appellate court will hear arguments on the need for a public inquiry into the 2014 death of Eric Garner, whose dying words "I can’t breathe," the same as Floyd’s, became a national rallying cry.

A lower court allowed for a judicial inquiry beginning in July, siding with the Racial Justice Project at New York Law School, which said the Garner family has endured "nearly seven years of false promises about transparency" from top city officials.

"It is difficult to conceive of a matter more worthy of transparency: a police killing of an unarmed civilian, preceded by a questionable stop, followed by inadequate medical treatment," the Racial Justice Project said in a filing to the Appellate Division.

The City of New York conceded Garner’s death “is of singular importance to his family, his community, the City, and indeed the nation” but is appealing to stop the inquiry because the incident has already been well-documented.

"There has already been a public trial covering seven days, 15 witnesses, and a thousand transcript pages," the city noted.

-ABC News’ Aaron Katersky