Israel-Gaza updates: Gantz rejects Netanyahu's request, resigns

He said Netanyahu is "preventing us from progressing towards a true victory."

As the Israel-Hamas war continues, negotiations are apparently stalled to secure the release of hostages taken by the terrorist organization, and Israeli forces continue to launch incursions in the southern Gazan town of Rafah ahead of a possible large-scale invasion.


Sec. Blinken tells Israel onus is on Hamas to accept cease-fire deal

Sec. of State Anthony Blinken spoke to Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant on Sunday about the proposal for a ceasefire-hostage deal.

The deal would secure the release of the hostages and ensure a surge in humanitarian assistance throughout Gaza.

"The Secretary commended Israel’s readiness to conclude a deal and affirmed that the onus is on Hamas to accept," according to a readout of the call.

During the call, Blinken also reaffirmed America's commitment to Israel's security.

US, Qatar and Egypt urge Israel and Hamas to accept deal

In a joint statement shared by the U.S. State Department on Saturday, mediators from the U.S., Egypt and Qatar said they’re working to secure a cease-fire in Gaza and the release of the hostages, and urged Hamas and Israel "to finalize the agreement" that President Joe Biden outlined on Friday.

"These principles brought the demands of all parties together in a deal that serves multiple interests and will bring immediate relief both to the long-suffering people of Gaza as well as the long-suffering hostages and their families," the statement said. "This deal offers a roadmap for a permanent ceasefire and ending the crisis."

Israeli government says it wasn’t told Biden would mention permanent cease-fire

An Israeli government official said the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office wasn’t informed that President Joe Biden’s Friday remarks would include a permanent end to the fighting.

“If you listen to what Biden said, you come to the impression that we agree to a permanent cease-fire without, or, without our conditions being met, and that's not the case,” the official said.

The official said the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, was informed 30 minutes before that Biden was giving a speech. The official said Netanyahu was told that the speech would focus on the hostages, with no mention of implementing a permanent cease-fire.

A senior U.S. official said the Biden administration "engaged with the Israelis at multiple levels before the president delivered the speech." The official said the U.S. specifically engaged with the Israeli Prime Minister's Office and the Israeli war cabinet.

The official also pointed to when Biden said in his speech that it was a proposal that the Israelis agreed to. The official noted that Netanyahu himself said that it was an Israeli proposal.

An Israeli official and two other Israeli sources who are familiar with the matter told ABC News that what Biden presented is indeed the outline of the Israeli proposal. The sources said the proposal was approved by all war cabinet members, including Netanyahu, and sent to the mediators earlier in the week.

The sources added that there are “interpretation gaps,” referring to the way the outline was presented by Biden.

Biden presented on Friday what he said was an Israeli proposal to draw the war in Gaza to a close.

Biden said the deal had been transmitted to Israel and Hamas, through Qatar.

The president said the first phase would last for six weeks and include a "full and complete cease-fire, a withdrawal of Israeli forces from all populated areas of Gaza [and] release of a number of hostages." Palestinians would also be able to return to their homes and 600 trucks of humanitarian aid would be delivered to Gaza every day.

The second phase would include a release of all remaining living hostages and the temporary cease-fire would become a permanent cease-fire with Israel withdrawing all forces from Gaza "as long as Hamas lives up to its commitments," Biden said.

In phase three, there would be a major reconstruction of Gaza.

-ABC News’ Britt Clennett, Dana Savir and Michelle Stoddart

Right-wing Israeli ministers against deal

Right-wing Israeli Ministers Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben Gvir spoke out on social media Saturday, both threatening to leave the government if the deal in its current form is accepted.

"I have now spoken with the Prime Minister and made it clear to him that I will not be part of a government that will agree to the proposed outline and end the war without destroying Hamas and returning all the abductees," Smotrich wrote.

This comes after the Hostage Families group released a statement urging Israel's parliament to embrace the deal.

18 arrested as Jerusalem Day flag march leaves trail of violence

At least 18 suspects were arrested on suspicion of "violent crimes, assault and threats and disorderly conduct at the annual march to mark Jerusalem Day," according to Israeli Police.

The march of flags continues into the Old City and the Western Wall as thousands of Jerusalem District police officers, police reinforcements, MGB fighters and volunteers work in the various missions and sectors. The Israeli Police said it is working throughout Jerusalem to secure the tens of thousands of participants, maintain order and direct traffic on Jerusalem Day.

The march left a trail of violence as it kicked off in the early afternoon of Wednesday. Predominantly right-wing Israeli ultra-nationalists attended, many very young, marching through Muslim areas of Jerusalem’s Old City and attacking local business owners and journalists.

Among those arrested were suspects of different ages involved in “various incidents of violence in the Old City, possession of a knife and threats towards police officers,” police said.

Some of the roads that were blocked were opened to traffic and the police continue to work to maintain security and order.

Al-Asima journalist Saif Al Qawasmi said he was attacked on duty and beaten on his head and hand, video shows.

Hareetz journalist Nir Hasson also said he was attacked by a group of Israeli nationalist youths and posted videos showing the violent scenes.

These protesters were consistently chanting racist slurs throughout their march and attacking people as filmed by witnesses and reported by an ABC News team on the ground.

The massive group of far-right Israelis marched into Jerusalem’s old city chanting, “Death to Arabs!” “May your village burn!” and “The nation is alive!"

Tensions were already high for this event, which draws thousands of people and all Palestinian shops were closed by the Israeli police.

-ABC News' Marcus Moore, Nasser Atta, Jordana Miller and Camila Alcini