Martin Luther King Jr. Day: Is It Wrong For Schools to Use Holiday to Make Up for Snow Days?

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Jan. 17, 2011— -- On this Martin Luther King Jr. Day, public schools in Georgia and the Carolinas are drawing fire for their plan to use the federal holiday as a way to make up class time missed because of snow days.

Rev. Jesse Jackson and Rev. Al Sharpton have both spoken out against the plan, saying that making students attend class today trivializes the holiday and the work of King himself.

NAACP leaders in North Carolina and Georgia asked school districts to reconsider the plan, but district administrators say they've been confounded by the heavy snowfall. According to one school district, teacher furloughs have limited the number of possible makeup days.

Our question to you today: Is it wrong for schools to use the Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday to make up snow days?

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