Meghan McCain calls Trump's veiled jab at her father 'incredibly hurtful'

The CPAC speech wasn't the first time Trump has publicly criticized McCain.

"Boy, oh, boy. Who was that? I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t want to be controversial, so I won’t use his name. Okay? What a mess," Trump said at the speech on Friday.

Trump's comments prompted boos from the crowd, which Meghan McCain found offensive.

Meghan McCain indicated she was surprised by Trump's comments because she had spoken to Trump after past instances and felt they had reached an understanding.

"President Trump attacked my father during the election ... and there was a report in Axios in the fall that he had been physically mocking my dad's war injuries and I was very upset, I tweeted about it and then I get a phone call a few days later that was like 'the president would like to talk to you,'" Meghan McCain said on "The View" today.

"I had a really nice conversation with him and Melania and I really was under the impression that this sort of fight between our families, and between him and my father especially, at this particular moment would end," she added.

"We have much bigger things to worry about right now than to worry about what the president says," Cindy McCain said.

"More importantly, for my own feeling, we need more compassion. We need more empathy. We need more togetherness... we don't need more bullying and I'm tired of it," Cindy McCain said.

Cindy McCain also gave an update on her husband's health treatments.

"He's tough as a boot, he's at our ranch and he's watching today," Cindy McCain said.

John McCain tweeted about his wife's appearance after the show wrapped, sharing a clip of Cindy's call for "more compassion."