Ex-NFL Star Worried About Teens Who Trashed His Home
Brian Holloway's home hit with $20,000 worth of damage by partying teens.
Sept. 19, 2013 -- Former NFL star Brian Holloway is shocked that 300 partying teenagers broke into his home, gleefully trashed it and bragged about it on social media, but he is more concerned that the out-of-control behavior means some of those kids need help.
Instead of reacting with outrage to the devastation, Holloway has surpised people with his stern paternal response.
"Everything broken can be fixed, everything that was stolen can be replaced, but 300 lives are in trouble," he told ABC News today.
"The most important thing is to save these kids lives," he said.
Holloway, a three time Pro Bowl lineman who played with the Patriots and Raiders, has challenged the teenagers to come forward and make amends by helping to clean up and to help with a benefit for veterans.
He set up a website called "helpmesave300" where nearly all of the photos and tweets have been uploaded from the Labor Day weekend destruction.
"Come out and help set up, fix up, bring food, and picnic stuff, so we can honor these real HEROS," Holloway wrote on the site. "I'm here. Come now. Take a stand for your future. This is called redemption."
"I expected 100 and parents to show. Only one showed up," he told ABC News.
Holloway's restraint is remarkable considering how his home was devastated.
"I thought of it as a father, let's think through how we can turn this around," he said. "If we don't do something, if we don't take a stand, we are going to bury 10 of them."
"Part of the restitution for these kids is that must sign a document saying I won't have to bury them," he said.
The destruction, documented almost blow by blow on Twitter and other social media, took place in a vacation house in Stephentown, N.Y., that Holloway bought in his rookie year of football.
"They broke in from somewhere. That window was broken out. You can see the scars on the floor from where the keggers were brought through. The carpet, there was beer liquor and everything else you can think of, so we had to remove the carpet," he said. "And they punched in the walls."
His family filled up 10 bags of liquor bottles and drug paraphanilia. "We walked the perimeter and picked up another 50 bottles of liquor," Holloway said.
Photos show wooden walls covered with graffiti.
He could match the damage with the Twitter messages, including "we just broke in," "best night of my life" and "we are trashing the place."
Holloway estimates there was $20,000 worth of damage.
He has been baffled by the response by some parents who are angry that he created the web site and posted the photos there.
"Parents have threatened me," he said. "Your kids are in my house breaking and stealing my stuff and you are mad at me because I posted pictures that they took and posted themselves of them partying and tearing things up?"
During the party, Holloway was at his full-time home in Lutz, Fla. By the time he notified police, an officer from the Rensselaer County Sheriff's office had already arrived on scene and broke up the party. No arrests were made.
Police confirm that a very large party took place in the rural vacation home, comprised of a main house and guest house in the Berkshire Mountains. Police said they have been interviewing underage people who were confirmed attendees of the party.
Any individuals or parents of individuals who attended the party are encouraged to talk reach out to The Rensselaer County Sherriff's Office.