With No Powerball Winners, Jackpot Grows to Estimated $1.3 Billion

The cash value for the next Powerball drawing could be worth $806 million.

The winning numbers were 16, 19, 32, 34, 57, and a Powerball of 13. To win the jackpot, all six numbers must be correct. The first five can be in any order, but the sixth must be the Powerball number.

Gary Grief, the executive director of the Texas Lottery, told ABC News on Sunday he was surprised to see the results of Saturday night's drawing. He said 25 players won a $1 million prize and three others won a $2 million prize.

"If you don't play, you will not win," Grief advised.

The estimated cash value of the next drawing is $806 million. There's a 1 in 292.2 million chance of winning the Powerball's grand prize.

The next drawing is Wednesday night.

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