Punxsutawney Phil predicts 6 more weeks of winter after seeing his shadow at virtual ceremony

Due to the pandemic, this year's event went completely virtual.

Punxsutawney Phil, Pennsylvania's most famous groundhog, awoke this morning to see his shadow which means that -- according to legend -- there will be six more weeks of winter.

Legend has it that if he sees his shadow then winter will continue for another six weeks but if Punxsutawney Phil does not see his shadow spring will come early.

“Whether you're hoping for six more weeks of winter fun or an early spring, we could all use some extra happiness this year,” said Pennsylvania Tourism Office department spokesperson Carrie Lepore in a release.

Phil's actual prediction takes place ahead of time in a place called Gobbler's Knob, a small hill just outside of the town, and has done so each year since 1887. 2021 marks the 135th time the event has occurred, according to the Pennsylvania Tourism Office.

Phil's predictions have been fairly even over the past six years from 2015 to 2020 with the groundhog predicting a longer winter three times and an early spring three times. But overall, dating back to 1887, according to the Associated Press, Phil has predicted six more weeks of winter more than 100 times making this year's prognostication a return to normal after last year's prediction of an early spring.