Rhett and Link: Commercial Kings

Dynamic duo tell the "Conversation" about their new show and the LoCo awards.

June 30, 2011 -- Rhett McLaughlin and Link Neal live for making legendary local commercials.

"We've been making local commercials for a few years now, releasing most of them on our YouTube channel," McLaughlin said. "[Then] IFC came along and said let's make this into a television show."

In their new television show, "Rhett & Link: Commercial Kings," the duo, who are originally from Buies Creek, N.C., help local businesses produce captivating ads.

"When you got a lot of money you can do special effects and you can hire big actors," McLaughlin said. "But when you're dealing with just these local people and their ideas and our ideas, you got to do something memorable."

The key to a successful ad is finding an intriguing hook that will make people think twice about getting up during commercial breaks, Neal said.

"Well, you might get up, but then if it's a local commercial, that's like really notable you find yourself looking back at the television like, 'Am I seeing what I think I'm seeing? Is that a guy in a chicken suit trying to sell used cars? Let me sit back down and watch this in its entirety,'" Neal said.

As for the strangest thing the two have done, "we have given a Cuban gynecologist and an American auto salesman a stethoscope in a commercial," McLaughlin said.

They have also dressed up the owner of Presidential Car Wash as George Washington and had him "make it rain."

Now, McLaughlin and Neal are asking for your help to find the best ads for the Local Commercial Awards: "In celebration of our new show ... we're asking people to go out and find ... their favorite local commercials all across the nation ... and take those links and send them to us on the local awards page."

In exchange for the help, the "Commercial Kings" are offering a cash prize and even the original George Washington costume from the Presidential Car Wash commercial.

"Rhett & Link: Commercial Kings" premieres Friday on IFC at 10/9 CT.

Watch "The Conversation" to see George Washington "make it rain" and hear what McLaughlin and Neal think is one of the greatest local commercials ever.

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