Rob Gronkowski surprises Florida health care workers with a special invitation

From the front lines to the sidelines.

“I’ve heard that you’re a pretty big Bucs fan and more importantly, that you’ve been a huge help for patients battling tough times this year during the pandemic,” Gronkowski said to the nurses in a video message Monday.

The four nurses -- Heather Stegmeier, Belinda Spahn, Woody Nixon and Mandy Mueske -- will join 7,500 other health care workers as honorary guests at this Sunday’s Super Bowl.

Mueske, a nurse for cancer patients with COVID-19, said it has been a trying year for both her and the patients she cares for.

“It’s already a stressful job in general, and these patients are already dealing with cancer and that diagnosis. And then let alone having a COVID diagnosis,” she said.

Tonight, Gronkowski shared a “thank you” to those like Mueske who are working on the front lines.

”From everyone at the Bucs,” he said. “We sincerely thank you for your amazing sacrifices.”