San Bernardino Shooter Had Contact With People on FBI's Radar, Sources Say

Details about Syed Farook's past have emerged.

However, the sources stressed that the people Farook was in contact with were "not significant FBI targets" and "not subjects of significance," the sources said.

The nature of his contact with these individuals remains unclear.

The sources emphasized that Farook's contact with people under FBI review does not mean that he subscribed to terrorist ideology.

Investigators have still not determined if the shooting, which left 14 people dead and 21 others injured, was an act of terrorism. Investigators are also looking at whether the violence was workplace-related.

More details about Farook and Malik have come to light today after police identified them as the two suspects in the shooting. Both were killed by police in a shoot out Wednesday afternoon.

Editor’s note: An earlier version of this story stated that Malik received her green card in 2014. She actually received it this past summer.

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