Shark Takes Big Bite Out of California Surfer's Board

Elinor Dempsey was uninjured.

— -- While Elinor Dempsey wasn't injured in her encounter with a shark Saturday, her surfboard didn't fare as well.

Dempsey pushed the board toward the shark as she jumped off. Nearby surfers helped bring her to shore.

Park rangers evacuated the water soon afterwards.

Dempsey was later reunited with her board, which had a 14-by-8 inch piece chomped out of it.

Fish and Wildlife biologist Mike Harris, who was also in the area, said the bite was likely made by a 6-foot-long great white shark.

Dempsey told the San Luis Obispo Tribune that she was shaken but more upset that she never had enough time to surf.

“I didn’t get a wave,” said the 54-year-old surfer. “That’s the worst part -- I got no waves.”

Hammerhead Shark Circles Kayakers in Video

Further down the coast, in La Jolla, California, kayakers and swimmers had a terrifying encounter with a hammerhead shark that was caught on video.

A hammerhead shark about 8 to 10 feet long followed the kayakers and swimmers all the way to the shore, according to ABC affiliate KGTV in San Diego. Video showed it circling the kayakers.

Beaches reopened Sunday after they were closed as a precaution.

The Associated Press contributed to the story.