Slenderman Stabbing Suspect Said She Might Still Attack if the Character Asked, Doctors Say

Comes as court has to decide if she should be tried as an adult or juvenile.

The accusation came as two psychiatrists testified in a hearing about Morgan Geyser, one of two 13-year-olds whose case is before a Wisconsin court as a judge decides whether they should face charges as juveniles or adults.

Geyser and her friend, Anissa Weier, were arrested in May 2014 after they allegedly stabbed another girl 19 times.

The two doctors, who have met with Geyser, testified in Waukesha County Court on Thursday that Geyser said she would attack someone again if Slenderman, told her to, ABC News affiliate WISN reported.

"She continues to believe Slenderman is real. She continues to believe that she has ongoing relationships with several characters from the Harry Potter book who come and visit her, who she feeds and sometimes sleep over," said the psychiatrist, Dr. Kenneth Robbins, who has met with Geyser repeatedly.

State psychiatrist Dr. Kenneth Casimir went further, describing what Geyser has told him in their meetings about her willingness to turn violent again to please Slenderman.

"'Well if he told me,' meaning Slenderman, 'if he told me to hurt more people I'd have to do it. If he told me to break into someone's house and stab them, I would have to do it,'" he said, recalling what Geyser had told him.

The question of whether or not Geyser and Weier will face charges as adults or juveniles will have an impact on the different punishments they would receive if convicted and could affect whether or not they might be sentenced to prison or to a mental facility.

Geyser's hearings, called reverse-waiver hearings, are expected to finish this week. Weier already had her own reverse waiver hearings last month.

Judge Michael Bohren said that he will make an oral ruling on both Geyser and Weier's potential moves to juvenile court on Aug. 10.

ABC News' Kelley Robinson contributed to this report.