'Start Here': NY attorney general resigns, disputes abuse allegations

New York's top prosecutor who took on Harvey Weinstein is resigning.

It's Tuesday, May 8, 2018. Here are some of the stories we're talking about on ABC News' new daily podcast, "Start Here."

1. Schneiderman resigns

ABC News' Aaron Katersky says not long after the article was published, Schneiderman resigned.

2. 'Trumpier than Trump'

Voters are set to head to the polls today for primaries in Ohio, North Carolina, Indiana and West Virginia, where a crowded Republican field has attracted the attention of President Donald Trump.

Despite the anti-endorsement, Blankenship claims he's "Trumpier than Trump" and has vowed to support the president's agenda. Republicans believe however that he’s risking a chance for the party to pick up a Democrat’s seat in a deep red state.

ABC Senior Congressional Correspondent Mary Bruce and ABC Deputy Political Director MaryAlice Parks have spoken to voters from the states in play tonight and they tell us why the races matter now ahead of November.

3. Melania's Monday

ABC News Political Analyst Cokie Roberts weighs in on the first lady's challenges and where her marriage falls among other presidential marriages.

4. Questions over pill dumping

Executives from five major opioid distributors will face questions from Congress today on why millions of pills are sweeping into towns in West Virginia and around the country.

Rick Van Warner, who wrote "On Pills and Needles: The Relentless Fight to Save My Son from Opion Addiction," will be listening intently to their answers. He tells us the story of his son's battle with addiction and how opioids "hijacked his brain."

At issue is a rule that prohibits Netflix movies from winning an award at the festival because they aren't screened at traditional cinemas.

David Sims from The Atlantic says both sides represent different visions of the future of movies, and neither are backing down.

"Start Here" is a daily ABC News podcast hosted by Brad Mielke featuring original reporting on stories that are driving the national conversation. Listen for FREE on the ABC News app, Apple Podcasts, TuneIn, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Play Music, iHeartRadio -- or ask Alexa: "Play 'Start Here.'"

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