'Start Here': Supreme Court dodges key question in Colorado cake case

The Supreme Court sides with a baker in a controversial gay couple cake case.

It's June 5, 2018. Here are some of the stories we're talking about on ABC News' new daily podcast, "Start Here."

1. SCOTUS dodges question

The Supreme Court ruled 7-2 in favor of a Colorado baker who refused to make a wedding cake for a gay couple because of his religious beliefs, but what does the decision mean for future cases involving businesses refusing to serve gay and lesbian customers?

ABC News' Terry Moran, who covers the Supreme Court, tells us the court "dodged the question" since the ruling was made based on a Colorado court's "hostility" toward the baker's First Amendment rights.

While the gay couple said they wanted to live up to the hopes of their community as "accidental gay icons," ABC "Nightline" co-anchor Juju Chang -- who visited with them a week before the ruling -- says baker Jack Phillips believed there was no other choice: "For him, it's the government forcing him to create cakes that violate his faith."

"Start Here" is a daily ABC News podcast hosted by Brad Mielke featuring original reporting on stories that are driving the national conversation. Listen for FREE on the ABC News app, Apple Podcasts, TuneIn, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Play Music, iHeartRadio -- or ask Alexa: "Play 'Start Here.'"

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2. Bye Eagles bye

The White House on Monday night pulled the plug on a presidential Super Bowl celebration with the Philadelphia Eagles after several players backed out of the scheduled event.

President Donald Trump said in a statement it was because "he insists that they proudly stand for the National Anthem," but ABC News White House correspondent and Eagles super-fan Karen Travers tells us it's more complicated for one of the most outspoken teams on social justice issues.

3. The Clinton #MeToo story

Former President Bill Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky was treated largely like a standard sex scandal at the time, but this year, through the lens of the #MeToo movement, it's being reexamined as a story about power between a 22-year-old intern and the most powerful boss in the world.

Clinton said Monday on NBC's "Today Show" he had no plans to apologize directly to Lewinsky, and as we've heard from several men in recent months, he believed the past is being unfairly relitigated. ABC News Senior White House correspondent Cecilia Vega covered Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign and she tells us what the former president’s #MeToo reckoning means for the Democratic Party.

4. 'Jungle primary'

More states will vote in primaries today than any other Tuesday before the midterms, including the single biggest seatholder in Congress: California.

The Golden State for the last few years has been in the midst of a grand experiment known as the "jungle primary" system and ABC News Political Director Rick Klein explains how it works and why it could hurt Democrats.