States Across the Country Cut Programs to Balance Budgets

California cuts cell service, Indiana tunes out hearing aids to trim spending.

Jan. 14, 2010— -- A laundry list of government programs could be on the chopping block as states and municipalities across the country confront the hard realities of budget shortfalls. From hospice care to hearing aids, wildfire funding to the police force, state legislators and city leaders are considering all options in their efforts to stay in the black.

Most states are bound by their own laws to maintain balanced budgets, meaning many state governments are facing the tough choice: either cut spending or raise taxes.

In California, where Gov. Jerry Brown is confronting a $25 billion shortfall, that means cancelling cell phone service for nearly 50,000 state workers. Brown himself is turning in his phone.

"It's not just cutting out programs. It's making government leaner and more effective," said Brown, a Democrat.

Cell phone service is just one area that may see cuts in California. Others include education spending and wildfire fighting.

State Governments Cut Medicare Spending

States are taking unusual and drastic measures to dig their way out of debt. Forty-eight of them have slashed programs, including Medicaid.

In Arizona, that means nearly 100 people will be ineligible for state-funded, life-saving transplants.

South Carolina will stop payments to hospice, and Indiana could eliminate funding for hearing aids and dentures.

Municipalities also are faced with serious financial problems.

Detroit may have to close down half its public schools by 2013, the Detroit News reported this week. The move would increase typical class sizes from 35 to 62 people in public high schools.

Late last year, Camden, N.J., authorities had to lay off half the city's police force. Those left behind still will be charged with protecting one of the state's most violent cities.

Illinois Hikes Taxes

But instead of making cuts, other states are finding new and often controversial ways to raise revenue.

This week, the state of Illinois decided to raise state personal income tax rates by some 67 percent and corporate taxes by 45 percent. The measure, signed into law by Democratic Gov. Pat Quinn late Thursday, will help cover a projected $15 billion budget deficit, but it's been harshly criticized by the state's Republicans and even some Democrats, including influential Chicago Mayor Richard Daley.

Critics Say Tax Hikes Will Hurt Illinois' Economy

Republican State Sen. Dan Duffy called the new plan a "nuclear bomb of job bills" for Illinois, suggesting it will drive businesses to nearby states.

In neighboring Wisconsin, Republican Gov. Scott Walker has seemed to relish that idea, urging companies to "Escape to Wisconsin." The governor of Indiana has made similar comments.

While tax hikes may be unpopular, cuts are rarely well-received.

In California, state workers who relied on cell phone service now are trying to figure out how to do without it.

"This thing is my communications device," said Mike Whiteside, a bridge engineer for the state. "I'm out of the office two, three days a week in construction offices, at consultants'. This is how I stay in touch with my boss and my staff."

ABC's Bradley Blackburn contributed to this report.

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