5 Stories You May Have Missed This Weekend

Donald Trump on ABC's “This Week”; author Jackie Collins dies at 77.

— -- 1. Donald Trump Refuses to Say Whether He Thinks President Obama Was Born in US

"I talk about jobs, I'm talking about the military -- I don't get into it," Trump said Sunday on ABC's "This Week." "They ask that question and I just want to talk about the things because it's of no longer interest to me. We're beyond that and it's just something I don't talk about."

2. White House Staffer Killed in Cycling Incident

President Obama said today he is "heartbroken" following the death of White House staffer Jake Brewer, who was killed in a cycling accident Saturday.

In a statement, Obama called Brewer "one of the best," he served in the White House as a senior policy adviser in the Office of the Chief Technology Officer.

Brewer, 34, was killed in Howard County taking part in the charity bicycle ride "Ride to Conquer Cancer," which announced Brewer's passing on its website.

3. NYPD Commissioner Prepares for Busy Week With Pope Francis's Visit

New York Police Commissioner William Bratton said as of last Thursday, there were "no specifically identified threats directed against any of these events."

Pope Francis, who arrives in New York City on Thursday and has events scheduled throughout Manhattan, has developed a reputation for being particularly interactive with crowds, which presents a unique challenge when it comes to protecting him. But Bratton said the team protecting the pontiff is prepared.

4. Hillary Clinton Dances With Supporters on the Rope Line in New Hampshire

"Unbelievable. It is amazing," Clinton told ABC News about the crowd. "It feels great."

5. Jackie Collins, Best-Selling Author, Dies at 77

"It is with tremendous sadness that we announce the death of our beautiful, dynamic and one of a kind mother, Jackie Collins, who died of breast cancer today," the Collins family said in a statement.

"She lived a wonderfully full life and was adored by her family, friends and the millions of readers who she has been entertaining for over 4 decades. She was a true inspiration, a trail blazer for women in fiction and a creative force. She will live on through her characters but we already miss her beyond words."