Fans Recall Secret Santa Who Gave Out $1.3M

Jan. 14, 2007 — -- He made it through one last Christmas, but last week Kansas City's ailing Secret Santa passed away.

For 26 years, the Secret Santa brought joy and inspiration to unsuspecting Kansas City area residents each holiday season. He would search for needy faces and, without sharing his name, give out $100 bills and happy holiday wishes.

The bills added up. After years of giving, Santa's donations totaled $1.3 million.

Larry Stewart grew up poor. At one point, he resorted to sleeping in his car. Along the way, someone helped him out with some extra money. So just before Christmas in 1979, and right after having been fired from his job, Stewart passed along the good will with an extra large tip to a cold drive-in carhop.

Only last year did Stewart finally reveal his identity. He was suffering from esophageal cancer and thought it might be his last Christmas. He wanted to make sure the giving continued after him.

"It would be my hope that every parent would create an atmosphere of giving and pass it on," Stewart wrote in a letter to ABC News in December.

For what was indeed his last holiday, Stewart kept that atmosphere of giving alive in his hometown where local Santa trainees will now take the reins.

The Kansas City Star is currently hosting an online "Guest Book" where those who knew Stewart or just knew his story can share their thoughts about the Secret Santa. (

Nila, from Overland Park, Kan., writes, "Thank you Larry, for being the highlight of my flight attendant career and for bringing light to the dark days of the 2001 Holiday Season. Thank you for revealing your true identity so I could meet you once again just before you left for heaven. Thank you for setting an example that I'm hoping others will follow."

"I was fortunate to have worked for Larry Stewart for nearly 10 years," Will and Virginia from Blue Springs, Mo., write. "He was without a doubt the kindest, most generous, unassuming person I've ever met. There was so much laughter just being around Bubba. … He allowed me to go along on his 'sleigh rides' from time to time to video tape people's reactions. Seeing their faces light up inspired him. We'll all remember Bubba for everything he did to bring light and laughter and certainly tears of joy to this world. Larry's impact is world wide and there won't be a Christmas that we won't think about Secret Santa."

And from Debbie of Lee's Summit, Mo.: "At church, the pew where Larry usually sat seemed too empty, and yet we know he's home. For the many of us he touched, he showed us what kindness and generosity look like. And each time we help those in need, we remember him."

For more on the Secret Santa, Larry Stewart, visit his Web site at