Bush Regrets Logging Off E-Mail

W A S H I N G T O N, April 5, 2001 -- President Bush has given up a favorite electronic addiction.

In a rare glimpse into the negative side of personal life in the White House, Bush sounded full of regrets today when he confessed to a journalism conference he has sworn off using e-mail.

"I used to be an avid e-mailer," he told newspaper editors. "I e-mailed to my daughters, or to my father."

But now that he's in the White House, he thought it would be safer to stop sending missives in cyberspace. "I don't want those e-mails to be in the public domain."

That's one legacy from the previous administration, where even e-mail messages deleted and hiding deep in computer hard-drives were resurrected for investigations and legal charges.

As Texas governor and as a presidential candidate, Bush says he relied heavily on e-mail to keep in touch with friends and the large Bush clan. His father, the former president, even grew to enjoy the system, using an e-mail address called "flotfw" — for Former Leader of the Free World.