Legacy of Rodney King, 10 Years Later
L O S A N G E L E S, March 3, 2001 -- It was 10 years ago today that Rodney Kingwas beaten in what became an enduring symbol of police brutalityand a flashpoint for racial tensions.
It also proved to be the first in a series of blows that haveshattered the reputation of the Los Angeles Police Department.
Mere mention of the 1991 beating causes those in power to cringeas they recall the morning the city awoke to a chilling video ofthe black motorist being clubbed and kicked over and over by fourwhite police officers as he writhed in agony on the ground.
The video, made by an onlooker, shocked the public and ledPolice Chief Daryl Gates to condemn the officers' actions.
But that was just the beginning. There would be three trials — one of them ending in the conviction of two officers — and theworst race riot Los Angeles had ever seen. When the smoke clearedon May 2, 1992, 55 people were dead and 2,383 were injured. Damagewas put at $1 billion.
Gates was driven from the LAPD. Commissions were empaneled andmade wide-ranging recommendations for reform.
‘Grim Picture for the LAPD’
Yet in the years to come, reform efforts would be overshadowedby events that would further damage the police force whosereputation for integrity and excellence was burnished by TV showslike Dragnet and Adam-12.
The King beating was followed by criticism of how police handledthe 1992 riots and later the O.J. Simpson case. And now, thedepartment is struggling with a corruption scandal in its Rampartdivision that has led to more than 100 convictions beingoverturned.
"Rodney King was about police abuse, O.J. was about policeincompetence, and Rampart is about police corruption. That's apretty grim picture for the LAPD," said Laurie Levenson, a LoyolaUniversity Law School professor. "What Rodney King taught us isyou can't ignore the problems and hope they will go away."
District Attorney Steve Cooley, who was elected in November andwhose office is prosecuting the Rampart corruption cases, saidmorale on the LAPD has been devastated.
"People who worked all their lives for this department areleaving," he said. "Right now they're in the hurt locker. Healingtakes a long time. Law enforcement needs esprit de corps and pride.Something will have to happen to make them proud again. Maybe itwill be some effective reforms."
Commission Brought Reforms
After the King beating, a commission headed by former Secretaryof State Warren Christopher was assembled to come up with reforms.Some were implemented, some were not.
Christopher said recently that the report had significantresults in strengthening the city's civilian police commission,limiting the police chief's term and creating the office ofinspector general.
But he said there is still a need for better training, regularpsychological testing of officers and a system of tracking citizencomplaints.
More Black Eyes
In any case, the Simpson murder trial in 1995 would bring newdisrepute on the department. The LAPD was accused of mishandlingscientific evidence and was criticized over Detective Mark Fuhrman,who eventually admitted committing perjury in denying he usedracial slurs. In an embarrassment for the police force and thedistrict attorney's office, the case ended in the former footballstar's acquittal.
Then, last year, the LAPD was hit with another scandal whenofficers in the department's Rampart division, a gang-infestedneighborhood, were accused of planting evidence, lying under oath,even shooting unarmed suspects.
Five officers have been charged. One was acquitted, theconvictions of three were overturned, and the fifth is awaitingtrial on attempted murder charges.
"The King incident was a spontaneous reaction to amiddle-of-the-night situation. I think Rampart is worse," said LouCannon, author of the book Official Negligence: How Rodney Kingand the Riots Changed Los Angeles and the LAPD. "What went on inRampart was a lot more cold-blooded. There was an element ofmalevolence, of premeditation and planning."
Federal Oversight
Recently the city agreed to federal oversight of the LAPD to tryto end racial profiling and brutality. The new district attorneyhas also reinstated a program in which a prosecutor andinvestigator rush to the scene of any officer-involved shooting tosee if charges are warranted.
Gates, who resigned as chief after the Christopher Commissionreport detailed brutality, racism and poor management in the LAPD,blamed the panel and later reform efforts by outsiders for thedepartment's current low morale.
"People should stop meddling in the department's affairs andallow it to rebuild itself," Gates said. "You have policeofficers doing a great job out there day in and day out. They comehome at night and read they have to reform the department. Theyneed to feel good about themselves, and they just don't."