Rolling 60s Crips Feeds Needy in Los Angeles

L O S  A N G E L E S, Nov. 23, 2000 -- The Rolling 60s Crips have gained notorietyas one of the city’s deadliest gangs, but this Thanksgiving they’retrying to prove they’re not all bad.

Members of the gang, which has ruled a mile-long stretch of 10thAvenue in South Central for the past two decades, spent Wednesdaynight distributing boxes of food to needy families in the area.

“For so long, we have terrorized this community,” said Kevin“Big Cat” Doucette, 41, one of the few original Rolling 60s stillalive and not in prison. “We have run people out of their homes.We have turned the streets into a dope thoroughfare. The communityhas come to accept it.

“It’s time the people stop fearing us behind closed doors andstart to embrace us.”

Welcome Small Gesture

Doucette and nearly 20 other Rolling 60s gathered before sundown outside a 10th Avenue apartment building to hand out boxes of food.Each box contained roasting chickens, milk, fresh vegetables,juices and canned foods — enough to feed a family of four for aweek.

Doucette acknowledged the giveaway was a small gesture, andneighbors gathered slowly to receive the goods.

But for Leona Abdullah and daughter Ameerah, 8, the donation aday before Thanksgiving was welcome.

“Thank you,” Abdullah said, balancing the box on a stroller.

The box distribution was part of a Los Angeles food giveawaycoordinated by the Nation of Islam. It was publicized by KKBT-FMradio personality Steve Harvey, whose listeners donated $145,000for the needy, said Nation of Islam Minister Tony Muhammad. Theamount was enough for more than 3,000 boxes of food.

Doucette said the partnership between the Rolling 60s and theNation of Islam was unprecedented. And leaders of the groups saidthey hoped it would be a first step in reaching teenagers andmaking amends to neighbors.

“No matter how notorious people say our young people are, ifyou never give up on them, they can be reached, they areredeemable,” Muhammad said. “They have a heart.”